
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Mk-II Walkthrough Part 3: Painting Inner Frame

As the engineering behind Gunpla becomes more and more advanced, so do the inner workings of our favorite bipedal war machines. For years, Perfect Grade and Master Grade kits have included intricate inner frames. That detail has now been extended to the Real Grade line and nearly perfected in kits like the MG Sinanju. Because of all the moving parts, some people might find the task of painting an inner frame quite daunting! In actuality, all it takes is planning and patience. Read on to learn more!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Mk-II Walkthrough Part 2: Pre-Painting

Nice job building your kit! Now it's time to take it apart. Despite feeling like wasted effort, it's very useful to build the kit first and then disassemble it to paint. Assuming you have selectively trimmed your male pegs throughout the build, then this step should not take long. I also have some tips and tools that can make this step much simpler. Read on to learn more!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Mk-II Walkthrough Part 1: Denubbing and Assembly

On to part 1 of my MG Mk-II modeling walk through! This post will cover everything related to the assembly process. I'll be approaching this build with regards to painting, but considering that a lot of people just enjoy snap building their gunpla, I'll also include some tips to help your unpainted models look their best. Read on to get started!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

MG Mk-II Walkthrough: Intro

After a month long trip to Singapore, I'm back and writing some posts again. As my first summer project, I've decided to write a walkthrough that documents my modeling process from start to finish. Although others have done this sort of thing before, I think that seeing how different modelers work can be very beneficial to those just getting into Gunpla. For this walkthrough, I will be building and painting the MG Mk-II Titans Ver 2.0. Despite being one of the first kits to receive the 2.0 treatment, the Mk-II is a very solid kit with some awesome articulation. I'm looking forward to building this kit and I'm excited to document my progress. My next post will cover the very first steps: tools, denubbing, and construction in general. Thanks for reading, I hope to make these tutorials very informative!

Although I was unable to paint or write any posts while I was away, I did talk to some very knowledgeable modelers and pick up a few supplies. For anyone interested, read on for details!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Completed MG Astray "Sky Blue" Commission

The MG Astray "Sky Blue" Frame is complete, and it's hard for me to even imagine it being red at this point. This was a great project, and I had a lot of fun doing the custom paint job. I'll be parting ways with it soon though, and I'm very excited to hear what my client thinks! If you'd like your own commission just shoot me an email and I'd be happy to see what I can do:

Gunplacore Commissions

More pictures after the break!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

MG Astray Commission WIP 2

For anyone who didn't see the first WIP, this is a commissioned project I've been working on for a few weeks. It's a Master Grade Astray Red Frame with a custom sky blue and black color scheme. I've been making steady progress but life tends to get in the way. Thankfully I should have plenty of free time for a while. Everything is going smoothly and I've just about completed the Mobile Suit itself. Read on for some of my processes.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Iwata Power Jet Review

I've recently started to airbrush a lot more and it came to my attention that my current compressor just wasn't going to cut it long term. I've been using the Iwata Smart Jet for close to 8 months now and it's a great compressor. The only problem is that I like to airbrush at around 20 psi, 12-15 if I'm spraying Alclad or pre-shading, and the Smart Jet has no air regulator; only a bleed valve and an air pressure gauge. This means that it was constantly running while I airbrushed, and believe me, that thing gets hot! I decided to upgrade to the Iwata Power Jet and thought I'd do a product review for anyone interested since I couldn't find a single review for this thing online. Read on for the details.

Friday, April 26, 2013

MG Astray Commission WIP


A couple weeks ago I was commissioned to paint an MG Astray Red Frame. My client requested a blue or teal frame with black armor plating. After a little bit of planning, and some terrible attempts at line art (seriously, where do you guys find the templates for your line art) I got down to work. Keep reading for the completed inner frame!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Tutorial: Easy Photo Setups

Gunpla is, for the most part, a solitary activity. The average Gundam Modeler spends hours locked away in their bedroom or basement, toiling away to craft the next best Mobile Suit. When you finally finish that awesome kit that you've been working on for so long, do you just put it on a shelf and let it gather dust? No! You want to show it to people and get critiques and compliments; and to do that, you need to take nice photos. Believe it or not, it's actually quite easy. I see a lot of people advocating light boxes for gunpla photography, but I've found a couple ways to get great results with simple desktop setups. I am by no means a professional photographer, but I wanted to share these methods for anyone interested.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Completed HGUC Unicorn Destroy

Unicorn Destroy is complete! It only took around 10 days on and off work but it was a pretty fun little kit to paint. This marks my completion of the HGUC Kshatriya, Sinanju, and Unicorn, so I'm going to take a break from HG kits and Unicorn Mobile Suits in general since we see them so often. Gallery to follow!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tutorial: Panel Line Wash

I thought I'd do a small tutorial on how to apply enamel washes to your panel lines. It's a very simple process for panel lining your kits, and it's a lot faster than using a panel line marker. In addition, this technique can be used on painted or unpainted kits, so even beginners can get in on the action provided they have some enamel paint and a little patience. Read on for the process!

Monday, April 15, 2013

MG Astray Red Frame Commission

I'm starting work on an MG Astray Red Frame that I was commissioned to paint. My client wants all of the red replaced by baby blue and the white armor painted black. I'm going to approach this kit in three stages:
  1. Inner Frame
  2. Outer Armor and Dual Katana
  3. Tactical Arms Accessory
I'm excited to get started and I'll be posting WIP's as I go. Keep checking back for more!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

HGUC Unicorn Destroy WIP

I've had this Unicorn laying around for a while now, and figured it would make a fitting next project, seeing as I recently completed the HGUC Sinanju. I'm trying some cool stuff with this kit, and I'm really excited for the final product! Read on for the details.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Tutorial: Candy Finishes

This will be a quick walkthrough on how to paint super vibrant candy coats using Alclad Chrome and any type of clear color. For this demonstration I'll be using Mr. Color Clear Red for a "candy apple" paint job.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Tutorial: Metallic Paints and Finishes

Gundams are bipedal robots, and the bipedal robots of the future are bound to have some seriously shiny internal elements. At least that's my way of thinking, and I try to implement it when I paint my kits. I've tried a few different methods for achieving a great metallic finish, some better than others, and I thought I'd outline a few here to help anyone else who wants that real robotic look.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Completed HGUC Sinanju

Just finished this kit up this morning and got right to taking pictures. Overall it was a great build and a fun kit to paint. Lots of parts to mask and reverse wash, but that just makes the finished product more rewarding. I've included a full album after the jump, check it out, and let me know what you think!

Friday, April 5, 2013

HGUC Sinanju WIP 2

This is now my second WIP for the HGUC Sinanju and it will likely be the last. This post is all about the frame pieces and the finishing touches. Read on for more pictures!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

MG Tallgeese EW Review


For my first kit review, the MG Tallgeese EW. Gundam Wing was probably my first exposure to the Gundam world, and as such I've always had a certain fondness towards the Wing Gundam and the Tallgeese. When this kit was first released I was working on a few other things and decided to pass, but I had some free time this week so I ordered it and got down to business. Click the bump for the full review.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Hobbywave Haul

Just received my latest haul from Hobbywave; two MG's and a substantial amount of paint. The Tallgeese is for me, while the Age kit is actually for my girlfriend. Her first kit was, of course, the Nobell Gundam, but she's moved away from the girly kits and started doing some real building. I also got a few new colors of Mr. Metal Color that I might use to finish up my HG Sinanju, and enough super clear to last me a few months. I'll probably finish the Sinanju before the weekend, and I also intend to do a quick review on the Tallgeese since it's a relatively new kit.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

HGUC Sinanju WIP

I started work on this HG Sinanju about two weeks ago and so far it's gone very smoothly. I'm doing a clean paint job on this guy with a little bit of decaling.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Completed HGUC Kshatriya

I completed this kit a few months ago, but decided to take some new pictures. A few people were interested in the pre-shading technique I used on this guy and I plan on posting some in-depth pre-shading tutorials in the near future, so stay tuned. More photos in the link.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Completed RX-78 Ver. Ka

Welcome to Gunplacore! As you can see, this is my first post, and I'm very excited about it. I've wanted to start a Gunpla blog for a few months, but I've only recently been able to find some time. I came up with the name Gunplacore through my love of hardcore music. During high school, my friends and I would often tack -core onto the end of normal words to make them more "brutal." Although Gunpla isn't exactly...brutal, some aspects of it can certainly make you want to windmill kick a stranger. Hopefully I can share some tips and tricks through this blog that will diffuse those feelings, and maybe help you become a better modeler along the way. Thanks for reading!

I just completed this RX-78 Ver Ka. the other day and figured it would be a fitting first post, hit the jump for some more pictures.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

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