
Sunday, March 24, 2013

HGUC Sinanju WIP

I started work on this HG Sinanju about two weeks ago and so far it's gone very smoothly. I'm doing a clean paint job on this guy with a little bit of decaling.

The first pieces I decided to tackle were the crests. Using the reverse panel wash it's very easy to get great results when detailing the crests of kits such as Kshatriya, Sinanju or Rozen Zulu. I plan on doing a short tutorial to talk about this method in the near future.

After painting all of my red armor pieces, I worked on masking off the little leg and arm vents and painting those. I opted to paint them using Mr. Color Steel to match my inner frame, although I know that some people prefer to paint them gold.

Next step is decaling. I've never really added decals to my kits, but I thought it was time now that the newer kits are being packaged with water slides. This is actually my first time applying water slide decals and I found the entire process very enjoyable.

After painting the gold and a quick gloss coat, it's time for a panel line wash to add some more depth to the Sinanju's vents. The shoulder pieces on the Sinanju require a bit of masking to paint the gold vents on the side. I chose to paint the red first and mask later because I think its a little easier, although not very conservative with respect to masking tape.

Before clean up:

After clean up:

To finish up my armor pieces I gave them all a flat coat using Mr. Color 182 Flat Super Clear. It's amazing the difference that the flat coat makes!

Next up are the inner frame pieces and I'll post a WIP for those once I'm nearly done. I'm going to be painting things the same color as the leg vents; i.e. Mr. Color Steel. I'm also going to try using some Mr. Metal Color on the thrusters. For those not familiar with Mr. Metal Color, it's a metalizer made by GSI Creos and it can be buffed to a mirror finish. It's similar to Alclad, but a little more finicky and a bit more durable, so we'll see how that goes. Thanks for reading!

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