
Friday, April 26, 2013

MG Astray Commission WIP


A couple weeks ago I was commissioned to paint an MG Astray Red Frame. My client requested a blue or teal frame with black armor plating. After a little bit of planning, and some terrible attempts at line art (seriously, where do you guys find the templates for your line art) I got down to work. Keep reading for the completed inner frame!

For this commission, I was asked to paint the MG Astray Red Frame using a baby blue and black color scheme. I settled on Mr. Color Sky Blue. I plan on using Sky Blue for all of the would-be red parts on this kit.

This is one of the lower leg pieces painted with the Sky Blue: definitely the color I was looking for. I also decided to use some Alclad Stainless Steel throughout the frame for a little bit of added color separation. The part on the left has been painted with Alclad Gloss Black Base then Alclad Stainless Steel.

Here's the one piston that sits inside the knee on either leg. I like to paint pistons using chrome but I often vary the color of the receptor. For this kit I used Alclad Polished Brass, which looks almost gold in the light. It's a small part of the kit, but it adds to the overall appearance of the inner frame.

I flat coated all of my Sky Blue parts last night, and this morning I began the assembly. One thing I have learned from this project, is that when painting any kit an entirely different color, be sure to completely cover the previous color, even in spots where you don't think it will show through. I had to remove a part and repaint an inner surface or edge on more than one occasion because the small amount of red is very noticeable next to the light blue. Once I touched up a few pieces, I was able to complete the inner frame. I took a few photos to preview the final color scheme.

Thanks for taking a look, more WIP's to come!

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