
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Completed MG 2.0 MK-II Titans

The MG MK-II Titans is complete, and with it my tutorial walkthrough series comes to an end. Thanks for following along! This has been a cathartic experience considering the fact that this kit sat in storage for three years while I finished my degrees. More photos after the break!

If this is the first you've seen of this project and you're curious about my process, here's the link to the beginning of the walkthrough:

Mk-II Walkthrough Part 5: Decals, Panel Lining, and Finishing Touches

Onward we march, as we near the end of this tutorial walkthrough series! In this, the final post, we will be talking about how to properly detail one's kit before the matte (or gloss) clear coat and the eventual photography process. You probably saw the title photo and you were like, "but, wait, we didn't panel line or anything.."; not to worry, there's a few steps before we set up the improvisatory studio you see above. Read on for more!

Friday, November 25, 2016

Mk-II Walkthrough Part 4: Painting Outer Armor

With our inner-frame complete, it's time to cover it all up! In all seriousness, the concealment of the inner working is an eventuality...but what we're hoping to craft preceding this traumatic event is an outer armored layer so polished, so precisely executed, that you won't even mind covering up the majority of those shiny interior mechanics. Read on to learn how!

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Completed HG Graze Kai

HG Graze Kai is complete! Truth be told it has been complete for a few days now but I finally got around to taking some pics. This was a good project to get back into things, however, I realized during the painting process that my Alclad High-Shine paints don't really work as well as they used to...might have to procure some more before my next build. More pics after the break!

Monday, November 7, 2016

HG Graze Kai WIP 2

Back at it with the HG Graze Kai, painting armor pieces and applying decals. I'm working quite slowly on this kit, perhaps due to my old-man-back, that which prevents me from sitting in my chair for the hours on end necessary to complete a full kit. This is a young man's game! Read on for more geriatric musings.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

HG Graze Kai WIP

After a very extended hiatus from all things Gundam related, I am happy to announce that I am building and painting Gunpla again! I definitely want to finish the MK II walkthrough that I started ever so long ago, but first I wanted to get my chops back. I figured this HG Graze would be a good little project, and I have been enjoying Iron Blooded Orphans, so this kit has been a fun little foray back into this great hobby! Read on for more!